
Journal Publications

  1. Vainatey Kulkarni, Frédéric Giraud, Christophe Giraud-Audine, Michel Amberg, Ridha Ben-Mrad, S. Eswar Prasad, Integration of a torsion based shear mode energy harvester and energy management electronics for a wireless sensor module, in press.
  2. Madani, R. Ben Mrad and A.N. Sinclair, Characterization of RF Sputtered Thin Film Potassium Sodium Niobate (KNN) with Silicon and Nickel Electrodes,” Microsystems Technology, in press.
  3. Blume, R. Ben Mrad, and P. Sullivan, Characterization of coplanar electrode structures for microfluidic based impedance spectroscopy, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 218, 31, 2015, 261–270. [JIF = 4.101].
  4. Ba-Tis and R. Ben Mrad, “A 3-DOF MEMS Electrostatic Piston-Tube Actuator” IEEE JMEMS, Vol. 24, issue 4, pp. 1173-1184. [JIF = 2.726]
  5. Bani Milhim and R. Ben Mrad, Fabrication of Lead-Free Piezoelectric (K, Na) NbO₃ Thin Film on Nickel-Based Electrodes, J. Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 25, 2, 2016, 320-325. [JIF = 2.726]
  6. Hailu, S. He, and R. Ben Mrad, “Hybrid micro electrostatic actuator,” Journal of Microsystems Technology, February 2016, Volume 22, Issue 2, pp 319-327.
  7. Blume, R. Ben Mrad, and P. Sullivan, Modelling the capacitance of multi-layer conductor-facing interdigitated electrode structures, Sensors and Actuators B 213 (2015) 423–433. [JIF = 4.101]
  8. Nouraei, R. Ben Mrad, A. Sinclair, “Development of a piezoelectric fuel injector”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume: 65 Issue:3, pp. 1162 – 1170, March 2016. [JIF=2.642]
  9. Kulkarni, R. Ben Mrad, E. Prasad, S. Nemana, “A Shear-mode Energy Harvesting Device Based on Torsional Stresses,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, VOL. 19, NO. 3, JUNE 2014. [JIF=2.596].
  10. Zheng, H. Hu, R. Ben-Mrad, Characterization of a Multilayered SAW Pressure Sensor with Low Temperature Variability, Applied Mechanics and Materials 656, 2014, 413-422.
  11. Hailu, S. He, and R. Ben Mrad, “A Novel Vertical Comb-drive Electrostatic Actuator Using a One Layer Process,” J. Micromech. Microeng., 24(11), 2014.
  12. Bani Milhim and R. Ben Mrad, “An Electrochemical Etching Technique: Sturdy-long-sharp Tungsten Tips for Nano-applications,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 32, 031806 (5/2014) [JIF=1.267].
  13. Khan and R. Ben Mrad, DEVELOPMENT OF A MEMS REPULSIVE ACTUATOR FOR LARGE OUT-OF-PLANE FORCE” J. Micromech. Microeng. 24(3), February 2014. [JIF=1.79]
  14. J. Schertzer, MJ Ahamed, P. Lea, R. Ben Mrad, and P.E. Sullivan “Characterizing the surface quality and droplet interface shape for micro-array plates,” Langmuir, 2012, 28 (26), 9961–9966. [JIF = 4.562]
  15. MJ Ahamed, R Ben Mrad, and PE Sullivan, “Electrowetting on Dielectric (EWOD) based Thermo-responsive Microvalve for Integrating Droplet Flow with Continuous Flow,” IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 22, Issue 3, June 2013, pp. 536-541. [JIF = 726]
  16. MJ Ahamed, R Ben Mrad, and PE Sullivan “A Drop-on-Demand based Electrostatically Actuated Microdispenser,” IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 22 , 1, 177-185, 2013. [JIF = 2.726]
  17. Luque and R. Ben Mrad, Guest Editorial, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Special Section on Microelectromechanical Systems in Industrial Environments, Vol. 59 , 12, December 2012. [JIF = 6.5]
  18. Chong, S. He and R. Ben Mrad, Development of a Vector Display System Based on a Surface-Micromachined Micromirror, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, Vol. 59 , 12 , 4863-4870, 2012. [JIF = 3.872]
  19. J. Schertzer, R. Ben Mrad, and P.E. Sullivan “Automated detection of particle concentration and chemical reactions in EWOD devices” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 164(1) 1–6, 2012. [JIF = 3.340]
  20. PR Chiarot, P Sullivan, and R Ben Mrad, Electrospray from a droplet. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 37 (February), 184-188, 2012. [JIF = 572]
  21. M.J. Scertzer, R. Ben Mrad and P.E. Sullivan “Mechanical Filtration of Particles in Electrowetting on Dielectric Devices”, IEEE JMEMS, Volume 20, No. 4, 2011, 1010-1015.
  22. M.J. Schertzer, S.I. Gubarenko, R. Ben Mrad and P.E. Sullivan “An Empirically Validated Analytical Model of Droplet Dynamics in EWOD Devices,” Langmuir, Volume 26, No.24, 2010, 19230-19238.  More…..
  23. S. He, R. Ben Mrad and J.S. Chang, “Development of a High-Performance Micro Electrostatic Repulsive-Force Rotation Actuator,” IEEE JMEMS, 19, 2010, 561-569.   [5-year JIF = 3.335, 2008]. More…..
  24. J. Ahamed, S.I. Gubarenko, R. Ben Mrad, and P.E. Sullivan, “A Piezo-Actuated Droplet Dispensing Microfluidic Chip,” IEEE JMEMS, 19(1), 2010. More…..
  25. M.J. Schertzer, R. Ben Mrad, and P.E. Sullivan, ”Using Capacitance Measurements in EWOD Devices to Identify Fluid Composition and Control Droplet Mixing,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. 145, 340-347, 2010. More…..
  26. M.J. Schertzer, S.I. Gubarenko, R. Ben Mrad, and P.E. Sullivan, “An Empirically Validated Model of the Pressure within a Droplet Confined Between Plates at Equilibrium for Low Bond Numbers,” Experiments in Fluids, vol. 48(5), 851-862, 2010. More…..
  27. S. Salisbury, R. Ben Mrad, D. Waechter, and S.E. Prasad, “Characterization and Control of a Piezoworm Stage,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 14, No. 6, December 2009. More…..
  28. P. Chiarot, S.I. Gubarenko, R. Ben Mrad, and P. E. Sullivan, “On the pulsed and transitional behavior of an electrified fluid interface,” Journal of Fluids Engineering, September 2009, Vol. 131. More…..
  29. P. Chiarot, S.I. Gubarenko, R. Ben Mrad, and P. E. Sullivan, “Application of an equilibrium model for an Electrified Fluid Interface – Electrospray using a PDMS microfluidic device,” IEEE JMEMS, Volume 17, Issue 6,  Dec. 2008,  1362 -1375. More…..
  30. S. He and R. Ben Mrad, “Design, Modeling, and Demonstration of a MEMS Repulsive-Force Out-of-Plane Electrostatic Micro Actuator,” IEEE JMEMS, Volume 17, Issue 3, June 2008, 532-547. More…..
  31. S.I. Gubarenko, P. Chiarot, R. Ben Mrad, and P. E. Sullivan, “Plane Model of Fluid Interface Rupture in an Electric Field,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 20, 043601, 2008. More…..
  32. H.M.S. Georgiou and R. Ben Mrad, “Dynamic Electromechanical Drift Model for PZT,” Mechatronics, Volume 18, Issue 2, March 2008, 81-89. More…..
  33. A.Hariri, J. W. Zu and R. Ben Mrad, “Modeling of Wet Stiction in Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS),” IEEE JMEMS, Vol. 16, No. 5, October 2007, pp. 1276-1285. More…..
  34. S. Salisbury, D. Waechter, R. Ben Mrad, S.E. Prasad, R.G. Blacow, B. Yan, “Closed loop control of complementary clamp piezoworm actuator,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 12, No. 6, Dec. 2007, pp. 590-598. More…..
  35. S.Salisbury and R. Ben Mrad, “Analytical Stiffness Estimation for Short Flexures,” Mechatronics, 16, 7, 2006, 399-403. More…..
  36. P. Ben-Tzvi, R. Ben Mrad and A.A. Goldenberg, “A conceptual design and FE analysis of a piezoceramic actuated dispensing system for microdrops generation in microarray applications,” Mechatronics, Vol. 17, Issue: 1, 2007, pp. 1-13. More…..
  37. K. Faraz, R. Ben Mrad and B. Benhabib, “Guidance-Based On-Line Robot Motion Planning for the Interception of Mobile Targets in Dynamic Environments,” Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 2006, Vol. 47, 341-360. More…..
  38. A. Hariri, J. W. Zu, R. Ben Mrad, “Modeling of Elastic/Plastic Contact Between Nominally Flat Rough Surfaces Using an N-point Asperity Model”, ASME J. Tribology, 128, 2006, 876-85. More…..
  39. H.M.S. Georgiou and R. Ben Mrad, “Electromechanical Modeling of Piezoceramic Actuators for Dynamic Loading Applications,” ASME Dynamic Syst., Meas. and Control, Vol. 128, 2006, 558-567. More…..
  40. A. Hariri, J. Zu, and R. Ben Mrad, 2006, “N-Point Asperity Model for Contact Between Nominally Flat Surfaces,” ASME J. Tribology, Vol. 128, No. 3, July 2006, 505-514. More…..
  41. A.Hariri, J. W. Zu and R. Ben Mrad, “Modeling of Dry Stiction in Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)”, J. Micromech. Microeng, Vol. 16, 2006, 1195-1206. More…..
  42. S. He and R. Ben Mrad, “Performance assessment of a multi-level repulsive force out-of-plane micro electrostatic actuator,” CJECE Spec. Iss. Canadian MEMS, Vol. 31, 2006, 71-76. More…..
  43. S. Salisbury, D. Waechter, R. Ben Mrad, S.E. Prasad, R.G. Blacow, B. Yan, “Complementary inchworm® actuator for high-force, high-precision applications,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 11, No. 3, June 2006, 265-272. More…..
  44. S. He and R. Ben Mrad, “Large Stroke Microelectrostatic Actuators for Vertical Translation of Micromirrors Used in Adaptive Optics,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics – Special Issue on OptoMechatronics, Vol. 52, No. 4, August 2005, 974-983. More…..
  45. H. Hu, H.M.S. Georgiou, R. Ben Mrad, “Enhancement of Tracking Ability in Piezoceramic Actuators Subject to Dynamic Excitation Conditions,” IEEE/ASME Mechatronics, 10, 2, 2005. More…..
  46. P. Tenzer and R. Ben Mrad, “On amplification in inchworm precision positioners,” Mechatronics, Vol. 14, Issue 5, pp. 515-531, June 2004. More…..
  47. P. Tenzer and R. Ben Mrad, “A systematic procedure for the design of piezoelectric inchworm precision positioners,” IEEE/ASME Mechatronics, Vol. 9, No. 2, 427-435, June 2004. More…..
  48. H.M.S. Georgiou and R. Ben Mrad, “Experimental and theoretical assessment of PZT modeled as RC circuit subject to variable voltage excitations,” Mechatronics, Vol. 14, 6, pp. 667-674, July 2004. More…..
  49. H. Hu and R. Ben Mrad, “A discrete-time compensation algorithm for hysteresis in piezoceramic actuators,” Mech. Syst. Signal Proc., 18, 169-185, 2004. More…..
  50. R. Ben Mrad, A. Abhari and J. Zu, “A control methodology for an inchworm piezomotor,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 17(2), pp. 457-471, 2003. More…..

Conference Papers Published in Proceedings and Invited Papers

  1. R. Ben Mrad and D. Pasiliao, A MEMS Micromirror Based Head-Up Display System, Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS and MOEM (DTIP 2015), April 27-30, 2015, Montpellier, France.
  2. V Kulkarni, R Ben-Mrad, SE Prasad, Assessment of a piezoelectric energy harvester for a sensor module, Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2015-41st Annual Meeting, 9-12 Nov. 2015, Yokohama, Japan.
  3. Kulkarni, R. Ben Mrad, S.E. Prasad, S. Nemana, S. Tersolo and N. Somayajula, Characterization of shear mode piezoelectric energy harvesters, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials SMART2015, Ponta Delgada, Azores, 3-6 June 2015.
  4. Towfighian, S. He and R. Ben Mrad, A low voltage electrostatic micro actuator for large out-of plane displacement, ASME 2014 International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences &Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2014), 17-20 August 2014, Buffalo, USA.
  5. J. Schertzer, R. Ben-Mrad and P.E. Sullivan, Effect of surface modification on protein deposition in desiccated droplets, ASME Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 14-20, 2014, Montreal, Canada.
  6. Zahar, R. Ben Mrad and P. Sullivan. Pulse-Mode Electrospray for Improved Ion Mobility Measurements, ASME Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 14-20 2014, Montreal, Canada.
  7. Blume, R. Ben Mrad and P. Sullivan, An impedimetric immunosensor for enhanced electrochemical signal analysis integrated into a digital microfluidic device, ASME Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 14-20 2014, Montreal, Canada.
  8. Kulkarni, R. Ben Mrad and S. Prasad, A Torsion Based Shear Mode Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Wireless Sensor Networks, ASME Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 14-20, 2014, Montreal, Canada.
  9. Kulkarni, R. Ben Mrad and S. Prasad, A comparison of shear mode piezoelectric energy harvesting configurations, CSME International Congress, 1-4 June 2014, Toronto, Canada
  10. J. Schertzer, S. Blume, A. Badawi, R. Ben-Mrad and P.E. Sullivan, Characterization of Bead-Based Reactions and Mechanical Supernatant Dilution in Digital Microfluidic Devices, 2014 Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering (MECBME) (17 Feb – 20 Feb 2014), Doha, Qatar.
  11. J. Schertzer, R. Ben-Mrad and P.E. Sullivan, “Mechanical Supernatant Dilution and Characterization of Bead-Based Reactions in Digital Microfluidic Devices,” ASME Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 15-21, 2013, San Diego, USA.
  12. Tom Lee, Ridha Ben Mrad, Peter Martin, Derek Wight, and Jacob Apkarian, Visual Laboratory Curriculum for Modern Control Systems, IFAC Symposium, Advances in Control Education – ACE 2013, Sheffield, UK, 28-30 August 2013.
  13. Hailu, S. He and R. Ben Mrad, A repulsive force electrostatic actuated RF MEMS tunable capacitor, CanCam 2013, June 2013, Saskatoon, Canada.
  14. J. Schertzer, S. Gubarenko, R. Ben-Mrad and P.E. Sullivan, ”Methods for mechanical filtration and automated droplet monitoring in electrowetting on dielectric devices” IMECE2012-85343, ASME Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 9-15, 2012, Houston, TX.
  15. Kahn, J. Chong, R. Ben-Mrad, S. He., MJ Schertzer. (2012), Performance of an Electrostatic Actuated Micromirror in a vacuum and non-vacuum Packaging, Proceedings of the IEEE Industrial Electronics, IECON 2012, Montreal, PQ, 25-28 October 2012.
  16. Jacky Lau, Sergey I. Gubarenko, Ridha Ben-Mrad, A NOVEL PLATE-TYPE LINEAR ULTRASONIC MOTOR WITH SEGMENTED ELECTRODES, The 1st International Conference on Virtual Machining Process Technology VMPT 2012, Montréal, Canada, May 28 – June 1, 2012
  17. Kulkarni, V., Ben Mrad, R., Prasad, S. E. and Nemana, S. (2012) Assessment of an Energy Harvester based on Shear Mode Piezoceramics. International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications, Sharjah, UAE, 10-12 April, 2012.
  18. Kulkarni, R. Ben Mrad, E. Prasad and S. Nemana, A SHEAR-MODE PIEZOCERAMIC DEVICE FOR ENERGY HARVESTING APPLICATIONS, International Workshop on Smart Materials, Structures and NDT in Aerospace Conference, 2-4 November 2011, Montreal, PQ.
  19. Fan, S. He, J. Chong, R. Ben Mrad and L. Feng, Development of a Micromirror Based Laser Vector Scanning Automotive HUD, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Beijing, China August 7-10, 2011.
  20. Lau, S. Gubarenko, and R. Ben Mrad, Design Concepts of Actuators for a Reconfigurable Meso-Milling Machine Tool, CanCam 2011, June 6-9, Vancouver, BC.
  21. Kulkarni, T. El-Diraby, R. Ben Mrad, E. Prasad, Green Infrastructure: Energy Harvesting with Piezoelectric Materials in Civil Infrastructure Systems, ECO City World Summit, Montreal, 22-26 August 2011.
  22. E. Prasad, V. Kulkarni, R. Ben Mrad, S. Nemana and S. Terzolo, Application of Piezoelectric Power Harvesters to Structural Health Monitoring, 22-24 June 2011, Mykonos, Greece.
  23. M. Schertzer, S.I. Gubarenko, R. Ben Mrad, and P. E. Sullivan, “Predicting Transient Droplet Dynamics in EWOD Devices,” 2010 CSME Forum, June 7-9, 2010, Victoria, BC
  24. V. Kulkarni, R. Ben Mrad, D. Waechter, T. El-Diraby, and E. Prasad, “Energy harvesting using piezoceramics,” 4th Int. Conf. on Micro- and Nanosystems, August 2010, Montreal.
  25. M.J. Ahamed, R. Ben Mrad, P. Sullivan, “Electrowetting on Dielectric Based Droplet Transport and Manipulation Inside a Closed Channel”, Abstract Accepted, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Vancouver, BC, November 12-18, 2010.
  26. R. Ben Mrad and M. Naish, “Mechatronis – Multidisciplinary Engineering,” August 2009, A position paper developed for Engineers Canada.
  27. S. He and R. Ben Mrad, “Development of a multi-level repulsive force out-of-plane electrostatic actuator,” IECON 2009, 3-6 November 2009, Porto, Portugal.
  28. V. Kulkarni, R. Ben Mrad, D. Waechter, T. El-Diraby, N. Somayajula, S. Nemana, and E. Prasad, Development of energy harvesting modules based on piezoceramics. 12th Canada-US CanSmart Workshop on Smart Materials and Structures, 22-23 October 2009, Montreal.
  29. J. Chong, S. He, S., and R. Ben Mrad, “Control of A Surface Micromachined Repulsive-Force Driven 2D Micromirror for Vector Graphic Display” (2009) CMC Annual Symposium 2009. Ottawa, Ontario, Oct 12-13, 2009.
  30. B. Surgenor and R. Ben Mrad, “Team Design Competitions – In or Out ?” The Sixth International Conference on Innovation and Practices in Engineering Design and Engineering Education, McMaster University, 27-29 July 2009, Hamilton, Canada.
  31. R. Ben Mrad, H. Li and T. El-Diraby, “Energy Harvesting In Urban Civil Infrastructure,” 26th Int. Symp. Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), 24-27 June 2009, Austin, Texas.
  32. S. Salisbury, R. Ben Mrad, D. Waechter, E. Prasad, “Development and assessment of a piezoworm stage for use in an XY configuration,” 23-24 Oct. 2008, CanSmart, Montreal, PQ.
  33. P. Chiarot, S. Gubarenko, R. Ben Mrad and P. Sullivan “Development of Microscale Analytical Techniques using Electrospray Ionization” Lab-on-a-Chip World Congress, May 7-8, 2008, Barcelona, Spain.
  34. S. Salisbury, R. Ben Mrad, D. Waechter, E. Prasad, “Characterization of a Piezoworm Stage,” IEEE/ASME Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, September 2007, Zurich, Switzerland.
  35. S. Tsai, R. Ben Mrad, P. Sullivan, “Numerical Modeling of EWOD in Digital Microfluidics,” CANCAM 2007, Toronto, ON.
  36. S. He and R. Ben Mrad, “A novel MEMS tunable capacitor,” 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Dec. 17-19, 2006, Hammamet, Tunisia.
  37. S. He and R. Ben Mrad, “Novel surface micro machined micromirrors for optical beam manipulators,” ASME micro/nano technology for space applications (CANEUS06), August 27 – September 1 2006, Toulouse, France.
  38. S. Salisbury and R. Ben Mrad, “Tracking Controller for a Piezoworm Stage,” ASME Congress and Exposition, November 5-10, 2006, Chicago, USA.
  39. A. Hariri, J. W. Zu and R. Ben Mrad, “Modeling of the Elastic Properties of Contact between Nominally Flat Rough Surfaces Using a New Multiple Point Asperity Model,” ASME Int. Mechanical Congress and Exposition, 5-10 November 2006, Chicago, IL.
  40. S. Salisbury, D. Waechter, R. Ben Mrad, S.E. Prasad and R.G. Blacow, “Dynamic Modeling of a Complementary Clamp Piezoworm Actuator,” Proc. 5th Canada-US CanSmart Workshop on Smart Materials and Structures, Toronto, ON, October 13-14, 2005.
  41. P. Chiarot, P. Sullivan and R. Ben Mrad,  “Micro Particle Imaging Velocimetry Measurements in High Aspect Ratio Passive Microfluidic Components,” Int. Conf. on Microchannels and Minichannels, June 13-15, 2005, Toronto.
  42. A.N. San, R. Ben Mrad and P. Sullivan,  “Fluid Flow behavior in microneedle arrays,” International Conference on Microchannels and Minichannels, June 13-15, 2005, Toronto.
  43. S. He and R. Ben Mrad,  “A bi-directional out-of-plane electrostatic actuator,” Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, 1-3 June 2005, Montreux, Switzerland.
  44. S. He and R. Ben Mrad,  “A Repulsive Force Actuated Rotary Micromirror,” Invited paper, SPIE Opto-Mechatronic Sensors, Actuators, and Control, Oct. 2004, Philadelphia, PA.
  45. F. Kunwar, F. Wong, R. Ben Mrad, and B. Benhabib, “Rendezvous Guidance for the Autonomous Interception of Moving Objects in Cluttered Environments,” IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 3787-3792, April 2005.
  46. H.M.S. Georgiou and R. Ben Mrad, “Modeling of drift in piezoelectric switches,” Proc. 4th Canada-US CanSmart Workshop on Smart Materials and Structures, October 2004, Montreal, PQ, Canada.
  47. S. He and R Ben Mrad, “A Novel MEMS Tunable Capacitor,” Int. Conference on MEMS, NANO and Smart Systems, Banff, Alberta, August 25-27, 2004.
  48. P. Chiarot, P. Sullivan and R. Ben Mrad, “A Study of Passive Microfluidic Mixers,” Int. Conference on MEMS, NANO and Smart Systems, Banff, Alberta, August 25-27, 2004.
  49. A. Hariri, J. Zu and R. Ben Mrad,  “Modeling of Surface Forces Between Micro-Sized Objects in dry Condition,” Int. Co. MEMS, NANO, Smart Syst., Aug. 25 – 27, 2004, Banff, Alberta.
  50. H. Hu, H. Zhang and R. Ben Mrad, “Preisach Based Dynamic Hysteresis Model,” Proc. Int. Conf. Intelligent Mechatronics and Automation,  Chengdu, China, August 2004.
  51. F. Wong, T. Chan, R. Ben Mrad, B. Benhabib, “Mobile-Robot Guidance in the Presence of Obstacles,” Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manuf., July 12-14, 2004, Toronto.
  52. P. Chiarot, P. Sullivan and R. Ben Mrad, “Design of Micro Heat Spreaders for Electronic Cooling,” ASME 2nd Int. Confrence on Microchannels and Minichannels, Rochester, NY, June 17-19, 2004.
  53. H.M.S. Georgious and R Ben Mrad, “Experimental Analysis and Modeling of drift in PZT Actuators,” Invited paper, Proceedings CSME FORUM 2004, U. of Western Ontario, Canada, May 2004.
  54. S. He and R. Ben Mrad, “A Novel MUMPS Electrostatic Actuator,” Invited paper, Proceedings of the CSME FORUM 2004, U. of Western Ontario, Canada, May 2004.
  55. D. Waechter, S. Salisbury, R. Ben Mrad, S.E. Prasad, R.G. Blacow and B. Yan, “Complementary Inchworm® Actuator for High-force, High-precision Applications,” SPIE Smart Structures NDE 2004, San Diego, CA, March 2004.
  56. S. Salisbury, D. Waechter, R. Ben Mrad, S.E. Prasad and R.G. Blacow, “Design Tools for Piezoelectric Actuated Inchworm Positioners,” 3rd Canada-US CanSmart Work. Smart Materials and Structures, Montreal, PQ, October 2003.
  57. P. Chiarot, P. Sullivan and R. Ben Mrad, “The Design and Analysis of Piezoelectrically Actuated Microfluidic Systems,” ASME IMECE ’03, Washington, DC, November 16-21, 2003.
  58. S. He and R. Ben Mrad, “Development of an Out-of-plane Electrostatic Actuator and its Application to Micromirrors,” SPIE Opto-Mechatronic Systems, Providence, RI, October 2003.
  59. R. Ben Mrad, A. Abhari and J. Zu, “Control Strategies for an Inchworm Positioner”, CIMSA 2003, Lugano, Switzerland, July 28-30, 2003.
  60. H. Saoulli and R. Ben Mrad, “Modeling of Piezoceramic Actuators for Smart Applications”, IFAC Conference on Mechatronic Systems,Berkeley, California, December 2002.
  61. B. Yan, D. Waechter, R. Blacow, S.E. Prasad, H. Hu, N. Somayajula and R. Ben Mrad, “A Configurable Control System for Smart Structure Research”, Proc. 2nd Canada-US Can Smart Work. On Smart Materials and Structure, Montreal, PQ, pp. 285-292, October 10-11, 2002.
  62. R. Ben Mrad, A. Abhari, S. Salisbury and J. Zu, “Tracking Performance of An Inchworm Piezomotor Controller”, Proc. 2nd Canada-US CanSmart Work. Smart Materials and Struct., Montreal, PQ, pp. 221-226, October 10-11, 2002.
  63. P. Tenzer and R. Ben Mrad, “Amplification and Performance of Inchworm Positioners,” 2nd Canadian Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, Vancouver, BC, June 19-23, 2002.
  64. H. Saoulli and R. Ben Mrad, “Modeling of Piezoceramic Actuators,” Proceedings of the CSME FORUM 2002, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, May 21-24, 2002.
  65. S. He and R. Ben Mrad, “Development of a Bi-directional Micro Electrostatic Comb Actuator for Optical MEMS Devices,” Proceedings of the SPIE Opto-Canada Conference, Ottawa, Canada, May 9-10, 2002.
  66. R. Ben Mrad, J.K. Mills, H. Saoulli, “Mechatronics Education at the University of Toronto,” CSME Newsletter, pp. 14-15, February 2002.
  67. H. Hu and R. Ben Mrad, “A Discrete-Time Compensation Algorithm for Hysteresis in Piezoceramic Actuators,” SPIE Conference on Opto-Mechatronics, Boston, MA, USA, pp. 220-228, October 28-November 2, 2001.
  68. P. Tenzer and R. Ben Mrad, “Amplification in Inchworm Precision Positioners,” 1st joint Canada-US Workshop on Smart Materials and Structures, St. Hubert, Quebec, Canada, pp. 77-84, September 17-18, 2001.
  69. R. Ben Mrad and H. Hu, “Dynamic Modeling of Hysteresis in Piezoceramics,” IEEE/ASME International Conference on Intelligent Mechatronics, Como, Italy, pp. 510-515, July 8-11, 2001.
  70. R. Ben Mrad, A. Abhari and J. Zu, “A Controller for an Inchworm Piezomotor,” IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications, Banff, Canada, pp. 71-75, June 27-29, 2001.
  71. R. Ben Mrad and H. Hu, “Limitations of the Classical Preisach Model for Hysteresis in Piezoceramic Actuators,” 3rd Canadian Smart Structure and Materials Conference, St. Hubert, Quebec, Canada, pp. 125-131, September 28-29, 2000.
  72. H. Hu and R. Ben Mrad, “Compensation of Hysteresis in Piezoceramic Actuators, IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 402-408, May 24-27, 2000.
  73. H. Hu and R. Ben Mrad, “Preisach Modeling of Hysteresis in a Piezoceramic Actuator,” 2nd Canadian Smart Structures and Materials Conference, St. Huber, Quebec, Canada, pp. 31-40, September 13-14, 1999.
  74. A. Abhari, R. Ben Mrad, and J. Zu, “A High Bandwidth Piezo-Ceramic Based Linear Motor,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Industrial Automation, Montreal, Canada, pp. 4.1-4.3, June 7-9, 1999.
  75. R. Ben Mrad, A. Schumacher, Y. Altintas, R. Steeves and R. Yu, “Characteristics of a Piezo-Ceramic Actuator for Active Chatter Control and Precision Turning,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Industrial Automation, Montreal, Canada, pp. 4.5-4.8, June 7-9, 1999.
  76. R. Ben Mrad, E. Farag, and J.A. Levitt, “A Linear Estimation Algorithm for ARMAX Models with Time Dependent Coefficients,“ Invited paper at the IEEE Automatic Control Conference, San Diego, USA, pp. 689-693, June 2-4, 1999.
  77. R. Ben Mrad and J.A. Levitt, “Nonlinear Process representation Using ARMAX Models with Time-Varying Coefficients,“ Proceedings of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, December 16-18, Tampa, USA, pp. 495-500, December 16-18,1998.
  78. R. Ben Mrad, S.D. Fassois, and J.A. Levitt, “A Polynomial-Algebraic Method For Non-Stationary TARMA Signal Analysis,” European Signal Processing Conference, Rhodes, Greece, 1998.
  79. R. Ben Mrad, A. Schumacher, and Y. Altintas, “A Piezo-Ceramic Actuator for Active Control of Chatter and Precision Turning,” Canadian Smart Structures and Materials Conference, September 10-11, Canadian Space Agency, St. Hubert, Quebec, Canada, pp. 1-10, 1998.
  80. R. Ben Mrad, A. Schumacher, and Y. Altintas, “A Modular Actuator for Active Control of Chatter Vibrations and Precision Turning,” Proc.  IMACS Multiconf., CESA’98, Nabeul-Hammamet, Tunisia, pp. 134-139, April 1-4, 1998.
  81. A. Jerbi and R. Ben Mrad, “Determining Grain Orientation: An Iterative Scanning Method,” Proceedings of the International Wood Machining Seminar, Vancouver, BC, pp. 333-344, June 17-20, 1997.
  82. S. Feng and R. Ben Mrad, “Scanning-Based Intelligent Machining Strategies of Solid Wood,” Proceedings of the International Wood Machining Seminar, Vancouver, BC, pp. 299-309, June 17-20, 1997.
  83. R. Ben Mrad, S.D. Fassois, and J.A. Levitt, ”Nonstationary Modeling and Prediction of Power Consumption in Automotive Active Suspension Systems: A Feasibility Study,” Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 759-764, Rome, Italy, September 5-8, 1995.
  84. R. Ben Mrad, S.D. Fassois, and J.A. Levitt, “Nonstationary Signal Estimation Using Time-Varying ARMA Models,” Proceedings of the IEEE-SP International Symposium on Time-Frequency/Time-Scale Analysis, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 433-436, October 25-28, 1994.
  85. R. Ben Mrad, S.D. Fassois, and J.A. Levitt, “On the Problem of On-Board Power Demand Prediction in Hydraulic Active Suspension Systems,” Advanced Automotive Technologies, M. Ahmadian, editor, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Winter Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, pp. 27-38, 1993.
  86. R. Ben Mrad, J.A. Levitt, and S.D. Fassois, “A Nonlinear Model for an Automobile Hydraulic Active Suspension System,” Advanced Automotive Technologies, S.A. Velinsky, R.H. Fries, I. Haque, and D. Wang, eds., The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Winter Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, pp. 347-359, 1991.

Poster presentations

  1. J. Chong, S. He, S., and R. Ben Mrad, “A Repulsive-Force Electrostatic 2D Micromirror Based Portable Laser Scanned Projector” CMC Annual Symposium 2010. Ottawa, Ontario, Oct. 11-12, 2010.
  2. Z. Hailu, S. He, S., and R. Ben Mrad, “Micro mirror based laser pointer” CMC Annual Symposium 2010. Ottawa, Ontario, Oct. 11-12, 2010.
  3. J. Chong, S. He, and R. Ben Mrad, Development of a portable vector graphics display system based on a novel large stroke electrostatic actuated micromirror, Photonics North, 1-3 June 2010, Niagara Fall, Ontario.
  4. V. Kulkarni, S. Gubarenko, R. Ben Mrad, T. El-Diraby, and E. Prasad.  Energy harvesting using piezoceramics and piezoceramic fibers. U.S.  Navy Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices, State College, PA, May 11-13, 2010.
  5. S. Nemana, S. Terzolo, N. Somayajula, E. Prasad, R. Ben Mrad, and B.K. Mukherjee, Development of Lead Free Piezoelectric Materials, U.S.  Navy Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices, State College, PA, May 11-13, 2010.
  6. MJ Schertzer, SI Gubarenko, R Ben Mrad, PE Sullivan (2010); Modelling Transient Droplet Dynamics in Electrowetting on Dielectric Devices; MIE Symposium, April 30, 2010, Toronto, ON.
  7. V. Kulkarni, R. Ben Mrad, D. Waechter, T. El-Diraby, and E. Prasad, “Energy harvesting using piezoceramics,” MIE Symposium, April 30, 2010, Toronto, ON.
  8. J. Chong, S. He, S., and R. Ben Mrad, “Control of A Surface Micromachined Repulsive-Force Driven 2D Micromirror for Vector Graphic Display” MIE Symposium, April 30, 2010, Toronto, ON.
  9. J. Chong, S. He, S., and R. Ben Mrad, “Control of A Surface Micromachined Repulsive-Force Driven 2-Axis Micromirror for Vector Graphic Display” CMC Annual Symposium 2009. Ottawa, Ontario, Oct 12-13, 2009.


  1. F. Ba Tis and R. Ben Mrad, A piston-tube MEMS electrostatic actuator, US patent  US 9,306,475 B1 issued 5 April 2016.
  2. F. Ba-Tis and R. Ben-Mrad, TOUCH-SENSITIVE INTERFACE MODULE, US patent application 15216293.  Patent issued 18 October 2016.
  3. S. He and R. Ben Mrad, Bi-directional Actuator Utilizing Both Attractive and Repulsive Electrostatic Forces, US Patent, issued 27 April 2010   US 7,705,514 B2.
  4. S. He and R. Ben Mrad, Bi-directional Actuator Utilizing Both Attractive and Repulsive Electrostatic Forces, Canadian Patent pending. Number: 2,485,153.
  5. S. He and R. Ben Mrad, Optimized Bi-directional Electrostatic Actuators, US Patent Application 60/696,812’
  6. P. Chiarot, S. Gubarenko, R. Ben Mrad and P. Sullivan “Electrospray Emitter and Method of Using Same,”  US Patent Application 12/155,114. All 47 claims approved July 2010.  Canadian Patent Application, CA 2632562.
  7. S. He and R. Ben Mrad, Translating and rotation mechanism utilizing two or more bi-directional electrostatic actuators, US patent application 12/894,737; European application EP 10275103.9; Chineese application filed 9/30/2010.