Researchers at MMDL and Ryerson University have developed an electrostatic MEMS actuator utilizing repulsive forces. These actuators can also generate attractive forces enabling bi-directional out of plane motion. Rotational motions can be realized by hinging one side of the actuating unit. The prototype micromirror have achieved optical rotation angles of up to +/-2.5° in both axes and a translation stroke distance of 86μm.
- Eliminates pull-in voltage phenomenon
- Eliminates stiction
- Stroke is no longer limited by the initial gap distance
- Simple design structure requiring only two layers
- Commercial fabrication processes can be used
Figure-1. Repulsive Rotational Motion Actuator.
Figure-2. SEM image of a prototype of the repulsive force actuator.
Figure-3. Repulsive force electrostatic MEMS actuators.